
Round Up – Spreading The Love

round upWell this is post is long over due today i am about to share my blog journey with you travelling around the web i came across many many post to share with you. As bloggers writing is a part of our daily routine so when we come across some post of interest it is always great to share it with our fellow bloggers.Choosing your writing tone or your writing angle it is very important. Writing articles for your audience is very important although we need traffic from search engine readers are the ones that we write for. When reading articles i am always intrigue not by what is written but by how it is said.

having said that i am not an expert writer but there are times when i get caught by some catchy headlines and some wonderful content to go with it. We are all learning every day an as bloggers we have to keep up to date to the trends and the changes no matter the age and or qualification we already have so here we go;

Constant Learning equals Constant Improvement

This is a post that caught my eye and i will share with you an excerpt from the post I’ve met far too many people who have the misconception that education is something that ends when you receive your diploma or degree. I beg to differ because that’s just not the case—you don’t have to be enrolled in school or a formal training program in order to learn. read the rest of the entry here

For all those that are interesting in affiliate marketing here is something i believe is of interest to you Getting intimate with your niche: Do you need passion to succeed? For the average affiliate marketer out there, especially those just starting out, choosing a niche to promote often goes beyond whether there’s enough demand and not too much competition. If spending money on outsourcing isn’t an option, there is a lot more riding on your ability to knuckle down, write engaging content, and get the job done. you can read the rest here

There are many many post that catch my attention and i could have mentioned here however those that have not made will get feature in the next round up. now it is your turn to share your thoughts about these two post feel free to comment on these two post and highlight those that get your attention. Writing is a bloggers tool with out it we have no blog write for your readers engage them this is what keeps them coming back. Are there any post that got your attention feel free to spread the word.

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