Round Up Week 7


February 19, 2012 , , ,

Round UpRound Up is here again this week featuring five great article for your Sunday reading pleasure the great Jason has a post highlighting a very useful learning tool for Inbound Marketing. Article number five talks about the expected release of IPad 3 from Apple over there on the ever fresh tech blog. As i have said before you the readers can highlight post that you think is worthy of mentioning here even if you are the Author. Round is a great place to get rich backlinks to your website or blog. So go on check the full article over on there respective websites and as always feel  free to share and leave a comment.  

(1) – A New Learning Tool for Inbound Marketers is a newly launched community-based content sharing website – created by two of the most renowned thought leaders in the field of inbound marketing, Rand Fishkin (Founder of SEOmoz) and Dharmesh Shah (Founder of Hubspot). It’s a very promising community, basing from the reception it gained from active online marketers worldwide (getting 10,000+ visits on the second day of its launch – and on a weekend), considering it as a new home of the best educational web-based materials in the industry.

(2) Peeking into history of social media through a videoSocial media has stormed the internet like anything. Seems that people have gone crazy over the same. Even I too have joined the list. Honestly, for me…the day starts and ends with the same. More rightly, the day begins with Facebook and ends with Pinterest. And I am loving it…yes, I have to say the same because its suits my way of life which is mostly about being online, social networking with my fellow friends. Earlier, I think it was quite easier when you had no other options left except Twitter and Facebook but it is no longer the same today.

(3) Are Internet Marketing Gurus Taking Us for Granted? – Before you even think that this is “another guru bashing post”, let me throw up my hands and swear. No, this is not one of such posts. The thought that the IM gurus have been taking us for granted has been lurking in my mind for so long. I’m not even sure whether I should be posting this in someone else’s blog. But, since my blog is pretty new, I thought this is better off as a guest post. Ever wondered how the top bloggers in your niche make money? Apart from a very few bloggers, most people have their own products. The most common advice seen in internet marketing blogs is that you need to have a product of your own to make six figure income. I don’t doubt that having a product helps make a lot of money. In fact, I really think that making money through product launches is a great way to monetize your business. After all, blogging alone is not a very viable business model.

(4) SEO – The happening word in business – Understanding SEO If one does not know, what SEO is then SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In the techno savvy world of today this is the most important and favourite word one can ever think of. The web solution depends on this very word and is the success factor in making a company popular and famous in all the possible aspects. There are many search engines like Google and Yahoo. There are many more search engines, one can do any sort of search, and the information is available to a person. SEO means you are trying to get more attention from the search engines There are few tips which one should follow and then see that one will see increase in business at all levels.

(5) iPad 3 Release Date March 7th 2012?Apple will be launching iPad 3 soon on March 7th according to reliable sources of Apple.Earlier reports also claimed iOS 5.1 along with iPad 3 in March. iPad 3 was announced on March 2 last year and has been a hit so far.iMore who has a good track record of reports about Apple claims that Apple will be holding iPad 3 event on March 7 at the Yerba Buena Centre For The Arts.Jim Dalrymple of The Loop has also confirmed the same with short confirmation “Yep” in his blog.

That is Round Up for this week please remember that sharing is caring. Remember to tweet this post and like on Facebook.


25 thoughts on “Round Up Week 7”
  1. Very nice post.I think this is a really cool topic I really enjoy to read this article.Your article is straight to the points.
    your theme is great This article is very inspiring and helpful.thnx for sharing with us Brilliant work

  2. inbound org looks like digg. but in the point 2, i think facebook can’t give you more traffic, because to many protection in facebook rules now. i likes used soscial media like twitter. its more better than facebook, i have lots traffic from there. imagine if you twit your post and another user twitter RT your news and she/he have hundred friends and boom..traffic came to your site.

  3. I think inbound org cab bring a huge thing to our social engines such as Facebook,twitter and etc., I’m glad to know this things because I am one of the blogger who impart with this several social engines…

  4. Hey! Usually on Sunday I try to keep off my computer, so I’ve read your recommendations today 😀 Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week!

  5. Seems like inbound is a great source of information. I have a Master’s degree in marketing and inbound marketing is something new for me I have been working mostly with outbound marketing. I hope this website will help me with my development of SEO concepts and content marketing, and social media marketing.

  6. “SEO – The happening word in business” Very interesting post and I already finish reading this one just a minute ago. The inside content are Understanding SEO, Elements of SEO, Importance of web designing, Increase the sales of a business. I highly recommend this post to be read by newbie in social media. Thanks for sharing this one. Your post is packed with great information and I will look forward to read all of them by this week.

  7. hi,

    Your article is great man. We know the facebook is nice to increasing traffic. Also it’s a great inspirit to every.Whatever, you shared a nice topic . It was really related to marketing idea.

    Thanks to you.

  8. I love the Sunday Roundup.
    I’ve just recently stumbled across your site and I’ve managed to visit the same post twice.
    Loving it, keep up the awesome work.

  9. Round up is really great! Very helpful and generous of giving tips. I hope you still continues to this. Great job!

  10. I hope this website will help me with my development of SEO concepts and content marketing, and social media marketing 🙂

  11. Thanks for these important points that you have shared here. It’s very informative and useful. I know that social media plays an important role in online marketing.

  12. the links of bloggers are best post for me because through that post i met with different bloggers that are working on different platforms. Sunday round-up is a great post to get information of different things through one post.

  13. Roundup is a really good idea. I love short and summed up things that give me the pointers where to go and explore for more info. This is just what that is.

  14. I’m so excited for the iPad 3 release! Some says there are even offers to trade in your iPad2 in some stores and replace it with the latest version. Can’t wait for the real release date.

  15. Great Round up! Providing us this kind of information is really a big help. I will definitely recommend this article to be read by newbie in social media like me. I’m looking forward on your next post. Thanks and job well done!

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