Sunday Post Round Up #23


June 5, 2011 , ,

This is Sunday Post Round Up and it is that time again when Round Up is featured here. Google +1 seems to be one of the trending topic floating about on the web. As you can see i have added the button to my website it is a simple and straight forward process nothing complicated here. In the last Round up one of my readers requested that i feature more Seo related article well No 3 is for you another one of those crunching post from Zarko and one at number 5 from Jason himself. Round up is my Sunday post that features some fantastic post that i believe is worth sharing so you could be featured here too. 

(1)How To Manage Multiple Word Press Sites And Increase Earning Potential One of the comments I see quite often from some bloggers (or online entrepreneurs) is that they do not have time to manage multiple sites, as it is difficult as it is to manage one, let alone several sites. If you are trying to make money online, you should know that sometimes, it is recommended to explore several niches, to maximize your revenue potential. Depending on the niche you have chosen, this will entail in having to create a completely whole new website you have to manage, and consequently more time required. Managing several websites can be a tedious tasks indeed, but there is a way

(2) Unveiling the Google+1 Button!- The only thing that the world-beater of the web-world Google was lacking in its otherwise glittering online repository was a serious poke at the social media marketing. The fans were desperate and the wait was just a formality. Eventually, Google have launched their much awaited Google+1 button that emulates the purpose that was so religiously served by the “Like” button of almost every social media networking website for quite some time now. Available in more than 40 international languages, the Google+1 button would allow you to share your most cherished and preferred content on the websites by simply clicking a ‘+1’ button on your web browser.

(3) Link Building Campaign, How to Prepare and Where to Start – Preparing for a link building campaign is the essential ingredient for a successful campaign. Going around creating links out of the blue will certainly have some effect, but if you want to achieve something you need to lay the proper ideas, basically create a link building checklist to go by. You can use the one we created a few weeks back, but to make it even more complete you need to focus on the following factors as well:

(4) 5 Things I learned from bloggingalways believe “ Working for your passion does get you results , but working with passion will get you even bigger”. Blogging was really not a passion of mine in any sense at all. A friend of mine Mr.Pradeep Kumar(Hellbound Bloggers) was a big success in the blogging arena and that made me to start a blog as well. Thus, it is very certain that blogging was not my passion but when I really worked with passion on blogging i started to get the results which any blogger will dream of. I have seen many of my fellow bloggers taking a step back on finding no success here, that is not the way to go about things being a blogger.Blogging needs a lot of patience and only who have that can succeed over here.Let move on, Blogging has taught me lots but I have learnt only a cup of water from the ocean. In this article I would like to share what I learnt from blogging

(5) 5 Link Bait Ideas There’s no doubt that link bait is one of the most formidable SEO strategies – and perhaps the best – out there, given that it demonstrates the original model and ecosystem of linking over the web (when Larry Page first formulated Page rank), where people would link to a site or webpage because they have found authentic value from it. However, nowadays, anything that’s useful seems to be a perfect fit to be a link link bait ideas bait, especially when the content is published on a reputable website. We can find so many interesting materials through the Internet every day that are actually link-worthy, they vary in forms, but most have been standardized through what has been known to be effective, particularly when it comes to crafting a highly.

That is it for this week’s Round up Feel free to make any suggestion and head over to the sites to read the full article. Thanks again for stopping by and have you say by leaving your comment. Sharing is caring.


18 thoughts on “Sunday Post Round Up #23”
  1. Google +1 was definitely the tech story of last week. This new feature shot out of the gates like a race-horse and absolutely exploded!

    1. Google + 1 is the new kid on the block at the moment i strongly believe that google has missed out on Social Media boom and that is why it is just playing catch up. Thanks for your input,

  2. you mixed my Sunday with lot of colors by sharing such a great information. nice useful post

    1. Thanks for your input sunday is a day when most bloggers don,t blog i like sundays because it is a time to relax and share some great resources with mu readers. Thanks for your comment

  3. Hi, lawmacs you have a shared wonderful article this week. I like 4th & 5th point which you learned from blogging & link baiting ideas. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hey student cloud welcome to my website i am happy that you found the post useful and thanks for taking the time to add your voice to the debate here at

  4. I was incredibly pleased to discover this SEO website. This is really a really good read for me! I really enjoy reading this blog and I did not expect this Thank you for the great notify! Google +1

    1. Thanks for stopping by it seems this is your first visit feel free to browse the entire site and a warm welcome to you hope to see you around more often

  5. I found this blog is more interesting and useful one.But the information you provided is not sufficient one to understand visitors.I look more informative blogs to be posted.Thank you.

  6. Thanks for a wonderful thought . But in this Sunday post Round up you must have to elaborate the taken subject little more clearly. It wasn’t an inspirational or thoughtful article. But the thought given in the blogging was great.

  7. Love the article! In your opinion, how do you think Social Media Marketing has affected your business or especially this article? I am always interested in options on how social media marketing is used or affected by what you write online. What are your thoughts?

  8. The link bait post was the most interesting to me. I’ve been trying to figure out what is interesting to people, and the answer can actually be almost anything. I’ve been really surprised by some of the stuff that goes viral lately!

  9. Great article. I love the 5 link bait ideas. Great Sunday post round ups, I’m looking forward for more round ups, keep it up!

  10. The link bait ideas have given me some food for though. And the video advertisement has given me a heart attack lol

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